Geges Löwl - Photography

Portrait photography

"It is surely a good thing that the world only knows the beautiful work, not its origins, not its conditions of origin; for knowledge of the sources from which the artist's inspiration flowed would often confuse and deter it, thus cancelling out the effects of excellence."

Thomas Mann

Avant/Après/N'importe où

January 2024


March 2024


These snapshots of Sunita Asnani's movement research, captured by Geges Löwl, were taken one afternoon in February 2024. 

They were inspired by the tragic story of Icarus and his father Daedalus, who created wings made of feathers and wax to escape imprisonment under King Minos on Crete. Ignoring his father's warnings, Icarus flies higher and higher in his exuberance - seeking the sky - and gets too close to the sun. The wax on his wings melts, the feathers fall from his arms and he plunges into the depths, down into the sea - and thus to his death.

Human endeavour & natural limits, creativity and its consequences, learning through failure as well as inventiveness & hubris - these are some of the areas of tension in which Sunita Asnani and Geges Löwl operate with Sonnenstille.